The Team
Almeev, Renat (Ph.D. Moscow, 2005)

Room: 151 (Building 2501)
Tel.: +49 (0) 511 762-2443
Magma origin and evolution. Experimental petrology of igneous rocks, the role of P-T-fO2-aH2O conditions on phase equilibria in basaltic to rhyolitic magmas. Thermodynamics of mineral-melt and fluid-melt equilibria. Melt inclusions. Development of new analytical methods using electron microprobe.
Altermatt, Aurelie (M.Sc. Clermont-Ferrand, 2024)

My research focuses on the amphibole stability field of amphibole in mafic alkaline and calc-alkaline systems. I want to investigate the effects of different parameters (P, T, fO2, H2O content, bulk composition) on the amphibole stability. Phase equilibria experiments will be carried out mainly on IHPV. These new data will be used to better constrain the diffusion modelling of amphibole.
Chakraborty, Sumit (Ph.D. Arizona, 1990)

Room: IA 4/117
Tel.: +49 (0) 234 32-24395
Experiments, theory and field studies to understand timescales and mechanisms of geochemical and cosmochemical processes. Atomistic mechanisms of flow and creep. Diffusion controlled processes in Materials Science problems.
Dias, Maria (M.Sc. Lisbon, 2020)

Room: IA 4/105
Tel.: +49 (0) 234 32-23517
PhD-student. Determination of diffusion coefficients for Fe-Mg and trace elements in orthopyroxene as a function of various relevant parameters (T, fO2, fH2O and major and minor element composition) for use in diffusion chronometry.
Dohmen, Ralf (Ph.D. Cologne, 1999)

Room: IA 4/113
Tel.: +49 (0) 234 32-24394
Experimental and theoretical petrology. My research interest covers various different topics within theoretical and experimental petrology where diffusion or diffusion-controlled processes are involved. It comprises theoretical modeling as well as experiments to understand and quantify the reaction kinetics of multi-phase systems or simply to measure diffusion coefficients for various applications, e.g., mineral rheology or diffusion chronometry.
Ermakova, Tatiana

I manage the website of the ‚Diffusion Chronometry of Magmatic Systems‘ project.
Giatros, Vasileios (M.Sc. Athens, 2023)

I am a doctoral student researching the experimental determination of iron, magnesium, chromium, and aluminum diffusion in spinel as influenced by temperature, pressure, composition, and oxygen fugacity. My main research interests include experimental petrology, solid-state reactions, thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, and numerical modeling methods. The primary goal of my research is to advance our understanding of the tectonothermal evolution of magmatic systems. I joined the research unit in October 2024.
Hartmann, Rebecca (B. Sc. Bochum, 2022)

Student Assistant – I am currently doing my master’s degree in Geosciences with a special interest in igneous petrology. I do experiments at 1 atm that will be compared to phase-field simulations in mineralogical systems.
Holtz, Francois (Ph.D. Nancy, 1987)

Room: 152 (Building 2501)
Tel.: +49 (0) 511 762-5281
High pressure and high temperature experiments, chemical properties of magmatic systems. Field studies, experimental simulation and modelling to understand melting processes in the Earth crust, the formation of high temperature ore deposits, crystallization conditions of magmas, volcanic systems and processes in magma reservoirs.
Huck, Charlotte (B.Sc. Bochum, 2022)

I prepare samples for experiments and measurements, for example by polishing crystals. I am also coating crystals in the Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) lab for diffusion studies. Helping as a tutor for polarisation microscopy classes.
Kahl, Maren (Ph.D. Bochum, 2011)

Room: IA 4/109
Tel.: +49 (0) 234 32-24393
My research focuses on using diffusion-based geochronometers to investigate the timescales and durations of transcrustal magma transfer processes in diverse volcanic settings, including Sicily (Mt. Etna), Hawaii (Mauna Loa), and Iceland (Snæfellsnes Volcanic Zone, Reykjanes Peninsula, and Eastern Volcanic Zone). Since October 2024, I have been serving as the scientific coordinator for this Research Unit.
Kausch, Leon (M.Sc. Göttingen, 2023)

My research focuses on the structure and processes of magmatic systems. A case study will be carried out at the Eifel volcanic field. I want to gain insights into the residence time of melts using diffusion chronometry.
Kundin, Julia (Ph.D. Moscow, 2002)

Room: IC 02-703
Tel.: +49 (0) 234 32-29376
Research Group Leader at Interdisciplinary Centre for Advanced Materials Simulation (ICAMS)
Group: Diffusion in Metals and Minerals
Department of Scale-Bridging Thermodynamic and Kinetic Simulation
Development and application of a new generation of simulation tools for multi-scale materials modelling
Leichter, Artem (M.Sc. Hannover, 2017)

Machine (Deep) Learning applied to spatial and geo data. Artificial Intelligence driven data analysis automation.
Marxer, Felix (Ph.D. ETH Zurich, 2021)

Room: 141 (Building 2501)
Tel.: +49 (0) 511 762-5280
I am an experimental petrologist working currently as a postdoc at the University of Hannover. My research interests span a wide range of topics in igneous petrology but focus on magmatic phase equilibria and magma differentiation processes.
Oeser-Rabe, Martin (Ph.D. Hannover, 2015)

Room: 217 (Building 2511)
Tel.: +49 (0) 511 762-8970
Investigation of stable isotope fractionation to trace and understand diffusion processes in magmatic systems; in-situ analyses by laser ablation-ICP-MS; investigation of trace element variations in magmatic minerals.
Pogorelov, Evgeny (Ph.D. Moscow, 2000)

Room: IA 4/103
Tel.: +49 (0) 234 32-23513
Researcher, Chemical differentiation, cold storage and remobilization of magma, computer modeling.
Pohl, Florian (M.Sc. Hannover, 2019)

Room: 138 (Building 2501)
Tel.: +49 (0) 511 762-5517
Determination of diffusion coefficients for NaSi-CaAl interdiffusion and its coupling with minor and trace element diffusion rates in plagioclase by doing diffusion couple experiments with varying parameters (temperature, time, pressure, water fugacity, oxygen fugacity and An-content). Experience in working with internally heated pressure vessels, infrared spectroscopy, raman spectroscopy and impedance spectroscopy.
Sester, Monika (Dr.-Ing., Stuttgart, 1991)

Leibniz Universitaet Hannover
Appelstrasse 9a
Tel.: +49 (0) 511 762-3588
Automation in geospatial data processing: data capture, analysis, visualization; using methods from optimization and AI. Application areas: geodesy, mobility, smart cities, geosciences.
Steinbach, Ingo (Ph.D. Aachen)
Room: IC 02/509
Tel.: +49 (0) 234 32-29315
Interdisciplinary Centre for Advanced Materials Simulations (ICAMS) Research Interests: Microstructure evolution and phase transitions Thermodynamics in and at interfaces Phase-field theory Numerics of free boundary problems.
Terranova, Kevin Gabriele (M.Sc. Trieste, 2024)

My work within the diffusion timing group focuses on the study and evaluation of the interdiffusion of Fe-Mg and rare earth elements (REE) in clinopyroxenes. Furthermore, with the advancement of new methodologies and instrumentation, the project will focus on the acquisition of data of the diffusion processes of the major cations in amphiboles. Furthermore, my research interests include the petrography and petrology of ultramafic sequences, such as those of the Ivrea-Verbano Zone (Italy), along with experimental petrology and thermodynamic modelling.
Weyer, Stefan (Ph.D. Muenster, 2001)

Room: 221 (Building 2511)
Tel.: +49 (0) 511 762-2933
The focus of the Geochemistry Group is the development of new analytical protocols for the analysis of „non-traditional isotope systems“ and their application in a variety of different fields in Earth sciences. Our fields of research include the origin and differentiation of the Earth and other terrestrial planets, the evolution of the early Earth, diffusional isotope fractionation and time scales of magmatic processes.
Former Members
Behrens, Harald (Ph.D. Hannover, 1988)

Room: 142 (Building 2501)
Tel.: +49 (0) 511 762-8054
Major interest of HB is on kinetic and thermodynamic properties of materials relevant for geosciences and glass sciences. Experimental studies on diffusion in crystal and melts has been in the focus since several decades. In addition, development and application of analytical and spectroscopic tools for in situ studies at high temperature and pressure is a central issue in his research.
deGraffenried, Rebecca (Ph.D. Hawaii, 2021)
My main focus is on volcanic processes, both in the shallow subsurface and on the surface. In particular, I examine the process of magma degassing and decompression using experiments and numerical modeling. I have also worked on basaltic lava flow dynamics and characterization of phreatomagmatic eruption deposits. I will be expanding my research of igneous systems to modeling chemical equilibration and diffusion in magma bodies.
Eschenauer, Julius

Julius joined our Pulsed Layer Deposition (PLD) lab in the spring of 2021, where he polishes single crystals and coats them with thin films of any material for subsequent diffusion studies.
Faak, Kathrin (Ph.D. Bochum, 2012)

Room: IA 4/179
Tel.: +49 (0) 234 32-23228
My research interest is focused on the determination of timescales for cooling of magmatic systems. I combine different methods of diffusion chronometry with experimental investigation of phase equilibria, thermal modelling and fieldwork to constrain cooling histories of natural rocks from different igneous systems. I am particularly interested in understanding igneous, metamorphic and geodynamic processes involved in the formation of oceanic crust, as well as in the formation of layered intrusions.
Jojevic, Nikola (Vocational training certificate as graphic designer, Gelsenkirchen, 2021)

Room: IA 4/109
Tel.: +49 (0) 234 32-24393
Kirchenbaur, Maria (Ph.D. Cologne, 2012)

Room: IA 5/177
Tel.: Tel.: +49 (0) 234 32-27768
Formation and destruction of oceanic and continental crust by field studies and geochemical analyses using elemental proxies as well as stable and radiogenic isotope systems.
Koepke, Jürgen (Ph.D. Braunschweig, 1986)

Room: 143 (Building 2501)
Tel.: +49 (0) 511 762-4084
My research focuses on the geodynamics of mid-ocean ridges, especially on the magmatic processes at the interface between igneous and hydrothermal processes and the role of water during construction of the ocean crust. For this, I’m performing ship expeditions to mid-ocean ridges of modern oceans, and field studies on ophiolites, especially in the Oman ophiolite, the best example for ancient oceanic lithosphere on land. I’m using petrographic, petrological and geochemical methods applied to natural gabbros and basalts from recent oceans and ophiolites, as well as experimental petrology applied to basalts and gabbros, with focus on the role of aH2O on phase equilibria.
Pahl, Julian (M.Sc. Bochum, 2023)

Research Asssitant – My first research steps and interest focus on the petrological characterisation of the 2021 Tajogaite eruption of the Cumbre Vieja, La Palma (Spain) including the application of diffusion chronometry. I also manage the website of the ‚Diffusion Chronometry of Magmatic Systems‘ project. If you see any mistakes or noticeable problems regarding the website, please contact me.
Sobolewski, Linda (Ph.D. Bochum, 2023)

Room: IA 4/109
Tel.: +49 (0) 234 32-24393
My research interest is focused on the investigation of volcano-ice interactions and the study of glaciovolcanic cave systems. For my Ph.D. thesis I investigated glaciovolcanic cave systems in the crater of Mount St. Helens (USA). I was interested in understanding subglacial processes and the role of cave systems to better understand the characteristics of glacier-mantled volcanoes. I have been working as the scientific coordinator in this Research Unit since May 2021.